the secret garden.
what’s the buzz.
Garry Oak Ecosystems & The Western Bluebird
Walking through a Garry oak meadow in May, you will be delighted to see gnarled oak trees swaying in the warm spring wind. You will be surrounded by a gorgeous array of wildflowers and if you are very lucky, you will see a pair of Western Bluebirds.
Spring Seeds for a Pollinator Garden
Pollinators play a vital role in keeping the natural balance within our ecosystems. They work hard to pollinate the food that we eat, and in doing so, help sustain life here on earth. Pollinators need our help! Many are facing population decline due to habitat destruction & climate change. The best way to help the pollinators is to grow a garden.
Leaf Cutter Bees & how they contribute to a beneficial ecosystem.
Would you notice these small holes missing in the leaves of your garden?
Cut out like a hole punch confetti maker.
These are the fun features of a native leaf cutter bee.
Horticultural Highlight: Red Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum)
Red Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum) is one powerful pollinator plant. They are an early blooming shrub, providing early-emerging pollinators like bumble bees & mason bees an important nectar & pollen source when not a lot of other plants are not in bloom.
Horticultural Highlight: Western Trillium (Trillium ovatum)
The Western Trillium (Trillium ovatum) does not produce nectar. It is pollinated by pollen collecting beetles & bees and is even visited nocturnally by certain varieties of moths. Unlike other species of trillium (which can propagate by cloning or self pollination), this variety solely relies on insects for pollination.
Planting for Climate Change: Designing a Drought Tolerant Garden
With the hottest days globally on record this past month, we are seeing a drastic change in our landscapes. Xeriscaping with native plants is an advantageous way to mitigate climate change. These gardens are low maintenance & drought tolerant, with the most crucial factor being water conservation. These gardens may require minimal effort and yet they still provide beneficial habitat for pollinators & wildlife.