Leaf Cutter Bees & how they contribute to a beneficial ecosystem.

A bee for the veggie growers

Would you notice these small holes missing in the leaves of your garden?

Cut out like a hole punch confetti maker.


These are the fun features of a native leaf cutter bee.

The leaf cutter bee is a solitary bee, similar to the mason bee, but is released in late spring/early summer.

They are beneficial for their efficiently in pollinating flowers & veggies like tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans & peas.


Are you having trouble getting optimum pollination in your greenhouse??

Try adding a leaf cutter bee home directly into the greenhouse to increase yield and bump up biodiversity.

We are expanding our annual bee subscription to include leaf cutter bees & bee homes!

Similar to the mason bee house, the diameter of the nesting cavity with the leaf cutter home is smaller.

Reach out with any questions & stay tuned for more exciting updates and information on solitary bees and our annual bee subscription!!


Spring Seeds for a Pollinator Garden


Horticultural Highlight: Red Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum)