The Importance of Saving Seed.

There are many benefits to collecting seed. From flowers to veggies, you are becoming more self-sufficient, can create strong genetic biodiversity and therefore grow strong, productive plants year after year.

Saving seed promotes sustainable living and supports future generations to help build sustainable, productive landscapes. Creating a native seed bank can be a very beneficial and a cost effective rewilding tool for communities looking to create more sustainable futures.

Seed saving is unique for each plant, but generally for wildflowers you wait for the seed head to develop and go brown. Once the seeds are black in colour that typically means the seeds are ready to be harvested. If you are interested in growing specific plants, it's important to research  tips and tricks on seed harvesting & cleaning.

Seed saving can be time consuming so it is important to plan for the most efficient and effective methods. 

Seed collection can be fun and rewarding. It can be an educational tool to teach about  plant life cycles, the importance of growing your own veggies and native flowers and provide a platform for future generations to grow and learn as well. 

If you’d like to learn more about saving your own seed, or want to know what seeds I have available, please email at


Planting for Climate Change: Designing a Drought Tolerant Garden 


From Lawn to Meadow.